Well, I went in for my second ultra sound the other day and I was very excited to learn that the placenta has moved away from the cervix. It is now 4-5 cm from the opening. Yay!! That means I can have a "normal" delivery.
I also found out today that the choroid plexus cyst that was on the babies brain, is now gone and the brain looks normal. I am very thankful for that.
The right kidney is still bigger than the left, but I am prayerful that that also will resolve before birth. Even if it does not, it seems to be a minor issue that can be easily fixed at a later time.
So overall, I am very blessed and thank the Lord that things are moving in a more possitive direction. Now I just need to get my gestational diabetes under control better so I won't end up having to go to my OB/GYN and have to get shots :( I REALLY, REALLY don't like needles!!! That also may change my homebirth into a hospital one. So, I will do my best at trying to control my blood sugar by eating right and see how things turn out.
The girls helped me get my home birth box together last night. They are very excited to see this new baby :)
Praise the Lord for answered prayer!! Praying for you all!!!