So after a few months following Misty's blog on building a 72 hour kit, I read a post from a guest blogger on her site. I noticed that the fellow blogger was also a Thrive Life consultant and that she lived close by me. I was excited and contacted Misty via email and asked if she could hook me up with Andrea the guest blogger so that I could host a party and sample Thrive foods once again.
Not long after that email, I received an email from Andrea who was more than willing to get together with me and have a one on one so I could ask questions and sample some food. Who doesn't like food, right??? I was impressed and decided to schedule a party to invite my family and friends to try the food as well.
The day of the party came and I was really tempted to cancel. My mom wasn't interested and didn't sound like she wanted to come. My sister said she would go but didn't have anyone to bring with her and my friend Abigail said she would come but that she couldn't buy anything. So needless to say I felt like it was going to be a waste of time. But I decided to see what would happen. At the last minute, my mom decided she would ride along with me. Once we got there, my sister showed up with a friend. I was totally shocked. Abigail showed up and then Andrea informed me that a neighbor lady was going to be there as well. Yay!! I was so glad that I didn't cancel my party. Everything went great and the party sales ended up being over $1200. I was floored. I was going to be getting some great host benefits. Andrea asked me if I wanted to become a consultant. I was interested, but didn't think I really wanted to go that route. I knew I wanted to get Thrive foods in my pantry and I wanted it as cheap as I could get it. But I didn't think I wanted to stand in front of people and do parties. I have a hard time speaking in front of people. So Andrea told me to think about it and to let her know.
I went home super excited about my party and told my husband all about it. I also talked to him about me becoming a consultant. He was encouraging and told me that it was up to me, but that he would be there to encourage me if I decided to do it. So the next day I called Andrea and told her I would do it. I ordered my kit and with in a short amount of time, I had my kit.
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